by Mechanics Direct December 27, 2017Did you know that as the weather gets colder there is an extra strain placed upon your battery!
Even though you may be able to start your car fine today, Will Your car Start in the Dead of Winter?
Usually any battery problems are first experienced in the morning, after the vehicle has been sitting for 8-12 hours.
When you turn the key does it take many tries for your engine to start?
Are you hearing a whirring or clicking sound? If so, then this is a warning sign that something is on its way out and your car needs attention!
Whenever experiencing any starting issues be sure to have a Complete Charging System Test performed by and experienced ASE Master Certified Auto Technician/Mechanic. This will include thorough testing of the Alternator, Battery, Wiring and Connections. Winter can be a particularly harsh time of year for you and your car. So, while you’re at it, also have your Antifreeze, Radiator, and Hoses Checked for below freezing temperatures.
Avoid surprises by maintaining your vehicle for each season.
This will ensure that you will be Good-to-Go and not Stranded out in the Cold this Winter!
Mechanics Direct